The Golden Centre

a passion for homeopathy and care


cropped-logo-3Welcome to The Golden Centre. My name is Ian Hamilton, a qualified homeopath and the founder of the Centre. Today 1st May is the 15th anniversary of  the  death at 52, of my partner Catriona Urquhart, 8 years after her diagnosis of stage 4  breast cancer. She died peacefully at home with all her family around her and it was a time when we all felt at peace with her death, however much we didn’t want that.  The centre’s  aim is to give advice and information and to offer a network of useful approaches to those who are looking for ways of managing the effects of the disease. This will still be part of the site and will be on a special page with its own blog, on the Breast Cancer Support button of the menu.

But now it’s here for another urgent reason. Today there are many cancer sufferers who are unable to have a chance to  have a peaceful death as Catriona did, because of the curse of the Covid 19 crisis and the inability of the health service to be able to support cancer victims. The main point of The Golden Centre is to encourage people to stay creative to stay healthy. There is plenty of evidence to support this and we will guide you to it. But it is more than this. We need urgently to help people and families who are caught up in the web of despair which the virus crisis is generating.

When the Golden Centre was first set up, the social media world was in its infancy. Networks were harder to access. Now thanks to facebook and other channels, linking people is much  simpler and more universal.

We aim to set up a network of information, therapies and practitioners which support this view. Taking control of your life, your treatment, your decisions and your outlook is the best way to achieve clarity about all aspects of life. It’s about choice, its about trying to be free from constraints and allowing creative thinking into your decisions and not just be just dealing with the day to day matters.  Play and attitudes to work are fundamental to being happier humans.

The other purpose of the site is to promote homeopathy and other CAM therapies link this to practitioners who may be able to help you in staying healthy and creative. Homeopathy is a therapy with 200 years of  experience  in helping many people to be well. But it’s not just homeopathy which can help. Many sorts of complimentary therapies can be used to help the symptoms and mental despair suffered by cancer sufferers and their families and carers.

Other therapies are suggested as part of a network of support, look at the menu for links to these.


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